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Apps to help you organise your life

There are tons of apps available to help you keep on top of both your business and home life, irrespective of whether you’re on Android or iOS, and the best part is you don’t have to spend time wondering which ones to use, as I’ve done the hard work for you!

To make it easier I’ve split the apps into two sections: work/business and home/lifestyle. Most of these apps are free but at some point, there may be a cost involved. So my advice would be to use the app for a period of time, evaluate your use and then decide if you want to upgrade and access additional features.


Using the right apps  will not only save you time but can also help you stay organised. They can take time to set up and understand, but the long-term benefits are worth the short term pain.

LastPass and Dashlane are two of the most popular password-saving apps and if you’re not already using one I recommend you start straight away. Both work on desktop and mobile devices on both Android and iOS. These apps securely store your passwords so that you don’t have to keep logging in every time you want to access an application. They also generate passwords and have sharing capabilities, great if you want to provide access to an app but you don’t want to hand over your password.

Asana and Trello are workflow management apps that help you and/or your team manage tasks and prioritise work. Both work via your desktop and can also be used on Android and iOS. These apps are visually and operationally quite different, so it’s worth having a look at both and seeing which you prefer. 

Evernote is a hugely popular note-taking app available on all devices including desktop, and it can be linked to Google and Siri. The strength of this app is if you’re on the go, you can create lists, capture ideas with pictures and manage tasks. 

For a simpler alternative to Evernote, try Wunderlist or Both are available on all platforms and again are free or have paid upgrades. Wunderlist is a very simple list creation app that allows you to create separate folders with lists that you can add notes and attachments to. works in a similar way but also uses a calendar and syncs with Alexa. 

Looking for something to help with your social media? Buffer and Hootsuite are social media scheduling tools that enable you to schedule posts in advance. Each app works differently and allows scheduling for different platforms. They also provide reports and recommended scheduling times. However, these apps aren’t an excuse to schedule content and walk away. Don’t forget that you still need to engage with your audience.

If you spend quite a lot of time searching for and reading content on the internet, a content aggregator will save you so much time! Some of the more well-known ones include Feedly, Flipboard and Pocket. These apps allow you to search for content based on your interests or you can tell them which websites to follow. 

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Are you someone that travels a lot for your business? Or do you perhaps plan trips for your clients? If so you need a travel app. Google Trips is great and helps you plan and organise your next trip in just minutes. And Tripit is an iOS and Android app which allows you to store all your travel info in one place and has the handy feature of being accessible even offline.  

Finally, if you would like a little help with your proofreading then the Grammarly app is for you. The basic package examines your spelling, grammar and punctuation and if you upgrade you get access to more features and can share the app with other people. It’s also available on iOS and Android.


Let’s start with an app that tracks how you spend your time – Rescue Time. If you work from home this is a great app that runs in the background of your PC and monitors what you’re doing. It allows you to monitor your productivity and make any necessary changes to get your work/life balance back on track.

Sorry Android users, but my next app is only currently available on iOS. Streaks is a great app that encourages you to create positive habits or break bad ones via tasks. Not wanting to leave Android users out, here’s Habitica, a similar app that focuses on forming good habits via tasks but does it in the form of a role-playing app…

Sortly is an inventory app that works equally well for business as it does at home, particularly if you are moving. It enables you to keep track both visually and via lists of your items, where they are packed and any notes if required.

Keepy is a free must-have app for parents and is available for both iOS and Android. It’s great for storing all your kid’s photos, videos, artwork, schoolwork, awards, and memories etc. in folders with the ability to privately share.

Family life can get a bit hectic at times with work schedules, play dates and afterschool clubs. Using an app like Cozi or Picniic can  help simplify your schedule. Both are available on Android and iOS and are free. Each app offers a slightly different interface and features so it’s worth having a look to see which one suits you best.

Finally, there is no end of fitness apps catering for the beginner to the more advanced triathlon types, or perhaps you would like to just monitor your diet. My Fitness Pal is an app that monitors your food intake and also integrates with other apps like Strava. The Nike Training Club, available on both iOS and Android is another popular app which provides lots of downloadable workouts and advice.

It’s worth spending a little time thinking about which areas of your business and life that you need to organise before downloading anything. Then download one app at a time and see how you get on. Don’t download loads at once and overwhelm yourself, as that will completely defeat the object.

Remember, these apps are about increasing your productivity and making life that little bit easier, so if they’re not doing that then move on and try another one. 

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