
350 Virtual Assistance provides you tailored personal assistance. I can assist you in a variety of admin, research and technical writing jobs. My expertise in aviation can assist you with any aviation related admin/writing jobs. 350VA will let you focus on the innovative aspects of your business and make you feel like the CEO of your company again. Let me free up your valuable time so you can enjoy your life and your business

What Is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who provides administrative services to clients while operating outside of the client’s office. A virtual assistant typically operates from a home office but can access the necessary planning documents, such as shared calendars, remotely.

Besides offering administrative assistance, virtual assistants can assist your business with social media, content management, blog post writing, graphic design, and Internet marketing. As working from home has become more accepted for both workers and employers, the demand for skilled virtual assistants is expected to grow.


How a Virtual Assistant Works

Benefits of a Virtual Assistant

The advantage of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility to contract for just the services you need. Depending on the terms of the agreement, some virtual assistants may be paid by the task rather than by the hour. In contrast, employees in a traditional office setting usually must be paid for a fixed number of hours per day.

For small business owners, hiring a virtual assistant can help them free up valuable hours to focus on growing the business and generating revenue. It can be easier and more cost-effective to outsource tasks that are tedious and time-consuming to someone who is skilled at them.


Virtual Assistant Duties

The specific duties of a virtual assistant vary according to the needs of the client and the terms of the contract. Some virtual assistants handle clerical and bookkeeping tasks, while others may post regular updates to social media or write articles for a blog. A well-rounded virtual assistant may also handle travel arrangements, appointment scheduling, data entry, and online file storage.

Before hiring a virtual assistant, the client can ensure a smoother working relationship by creating detailed instructions about tasks they need to have performed. A written manual reduces the risk of misunderstandings that can occur in a remote working relationship.


350VA Services

Writing Services

  • Craft a quality blog post
  • Produce winning press release
  • Create content for your website
  • Write report, executive letters and memos
  • Edit and format documents
  • Organise and respond to your emails
business, computer, mobile
desktop, white, flatlay


  • Competitor analysis
  • Find facts and figures
  • Source products or services
  • Feasibility for airport research
  • Safety culture survey
  • Aeronautical studies
  • Safety data analysis


  • Customer follow up
  • Optimise your schedule
  • Meeting preparation
  • Event organisation
  • Data entry
  • Handle candidate sourcing and evaluations
  • Prepare presentations
office, desktop background, business

Aviation Support

  • Write aviation specific content
  • Aviation consulting admin
  • Online aviation course
  • Airport and airspace planning
  • Performance analysis
  • Procedure design
  • Aviation policies
  • Incident investigation
  • Air law and regulations
  • Update SOP’s, OMA, training manuals