
April Newsletter


Stone: Diamond

Flower: Daisy and sweet pea

Dates: April 1st is April Fools’ Day

April 5th is Arbor Day

April 22nd is Earth Day

Birth-signs: Aries (March 21-April 19)

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

daisy, double flower, pink-and-white
easter eggs, painted, colorful

8 skills a VA needs to Develop!

The VA industry is a relationship-based business. Having integrity and being honest is number #1 on the list.  It’s even more important since we work virtually!

Be honest if you make a mistake – own it! Then fix it. Don’t make excuses, apologise, then take care of it. 

Be transparent about your abilities. If you don’t know how to do something – say so. Let your clients know you’re willing to learn. But please don’t take on a task because you want to learn on the job, or because you need the money.

Don't promise the moon and then fall off the earth’s face because you can’t deliver. It’s what causes trust issues for so many people. 

Be accountable. If you’re going to miss a deadline – say so. Have integrity in your work.

This is the most important skill to master. If you can’t communicate effectively, it’s hard to meet your clients’ deadlines and expectations, especially since we’re virtual.

It’s important to ask questions, so you fully understand what you’re doing for clients. If you don’t understand – ask. There are NO stupid questions, except the ones you don’t ask. Asking questions means you’re listening and trying to gain an understanding.

Since we’re virtual, we communicate in different ways. Know what the best method of communication is for you. Let your clients know. Remember communicating clearly involves listening and speaking, be sure you’re doing both.


If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to know how to work well with others. Realise that you might need a combination of skills to be effective at teamwork, especially if you are working remotely. It’s essential to listen to others and inspire your clients and team to work together for the best results.

It is important you recognise your role in the team and acknowledge  contributions from your team members. You are part of your client’s team, even if it’s just the two of you.

You need to be okay when it comes to dealing with unexpected issues or problems – it’s going to happen.  Problems and issues are just part of life and business.

Technology is a blessing and a curse; sometimes, things blow up or don’t work as expected. It’s just part of having an online business. You have to be ready to solve any problems that come your way.

This requires creativity and good analytical skills. When it comes to problem-solving, you should be able to analyse the situation and look at it from different angles. It’s crucial to find other, sometimes out-of-the-box solutions to problems. It’s where you can reach out to team members or even your clients to find the best solutions.

Are you able to change direction and think fast on your feet? Are you willing to try new things? Flexibility is a skill that can help you survive as an entrepreneur and a Virtual Assistant.

Business changes, technology changes. Change is part of life – you need to embrace it or at least be willing to bend. With this skill, you are more likely to be open to learning new things and moving forward.

If one thing doesn’t work (or stops working), you need to be flexible enough to try something else. Your ability to have a thought process could pave the way to success.

This is a BIG one. If you want to be successful, you need to know how to manage your time. Time management is key to being successful in this business. We complete tasks or projects for clients, and they want them delivered on time.

Understand which tasks are vital to your business, and which you can do later or delegate. Revenue generating tasks are the ones you should spend 80% of your time on – because that’s what pays the bills. The other 20% should be spent on your own business – the day to day stuff that keeps your business running.

Knowing how to use your time can help you make better decisions and maximise your work. I use a combination of tools to be sure I get done what I need to. All of my client tasks go into my Task Management system (Teamwork), and I use a planner to keep track of my daily to-do’s. This system works for me – find one that works for you!

This one relates directly to honesty and integrity.  You do whatever it takes to make your clients happy. Do what you say you’re going to do. Make your client feel understood and appreciated, and treat them with kindness and respect.

If you screw up, you own it. Everybody makes mistakes. Stand up, say you did it, take ownership, be accountable, and fix it. Be grateful for your clients – without them, you wouldn’t have a business. Strive to make your clients happy, and they’ll stick around.

Be ethical. It’s simple – don’t cheat, lie, or steal from your clients or anyone, for that matter. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Don’t take on work that you know you can’t do. Remember, what you do affects the whole VA Industry.

These 8 skills are essential to the success of your business. When you develop them, you have the chance to push yourself to the next level. They will help you stand out as a professional in the industry.